Department of "Production of construction products and structures"
Timely send to the organizing committee:
1. Application for participation (the content of the application is given below);
2. Printed original abstract of the report (1 copy) or its electronic version (e-mail address:;
3. A copy of the payment order (organizational fee).
Materials that do not meet the established requirements and those received after the specified deadline are not considered by the organizing committee and are not accepted for publication.
It is planned to publish a collection of conference proceedings and publish reports. Reports recommended by the organizing committee, additionally prepared according to the relevant requirements, can be submitted to the publication, which is included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine and the scientometric database Index Copernicus.
In the application for participation in the conference indicate: your last name, first name, patronymic, place of work (study), position, degree and academic title (if any), contact details (e-mail, phone, postal address), what form of participation you plan (presentation of the report and printing of abstracts, participation in the discussion and printing of abstracts, only printing of the text of abstracts, only participation in the discussion), as well as the topic of your report. For reports authored by several authors, data on all co-authors should be provided.